Duolingo Japanese Vocabulary List for Free in 2024

Japanese is an interesting and one of the most learned languages worldwide. In fact, it is one of the most taken languages on various platforms like Duolingo. If you are already a user of Duolingo you must have seen how a gamified approach it has to keep the user engaged with the content. However, an important thing that helps in learning the language is the lot of vocabulary lists. Thus, here we will help you to find out if there is a Duolingo Japanese Vocabulary list or not.

Quick Takeaways

  • Japanese is one of the popular languages and to learn it you will need to have a great vocabulary list of Japanese. Therefore, to help you learn the language, Duolingo do have a Japanese vocabulary list which was earlier available on the desktop version.
  • If you are interested in getting in the present time then you will need to use Memorise Scrapper along with the Anki platform.
  • When you will get the data, you will need to organize it properly for your better understanding.
  • Some of the words that you will be getting in the Japanese vocabulary list are-
䛹うも – thanks (colloquial shortening) 
こちらこそ – likewise 
䛹う致しまし䛶 – you are welcome 
 左様䛺ら – good-bye
今日䛿 – good day (daytime greeting)

However, you must read till the end so that you get a better understanding of whether Duolingo has a Japanese vocabulary list or not.

Does Duolingo have a Japanese Vocabulary list?

When you are thinking of learning a new language like Japanese then you will need to get a lot of vocabulary that will help you to learn the language properly. Therefore Duolingo will help you to get most of the vocabulary knowledge for your better help. You can also get a Duolingo Spanish, Italian, French, German, etc vocabulary list. Earlier you were allowed to access these words on the desktop version easily. But with time, now it is not available on the desktop version as well.

However, it does not mean that there is no use of the desktop version on the platform. You can get unlimited health when you are using the desktop version. Also, it does not mean that you cannot get your Japanese vocabulary list. Further, we will help you to understand how can you get the Duolingo Japanese vocabulary list easily.

How can you access the Duolingo Japanese vocabulary list?

Japanese is one of the most interesting and taken languages in Duolingo. If you are also learning this language then you must be interested in knowing how can you get that vocabulary list for better help. Therefore here will help you understand how could you get your Duolingo Japanese vocabulary list. Following are the three steps to do it-

1. Using Memrise

The first thing that you need to do is to get the Memrise platform. It is a platform where you can get a lot of vocabulary for learning or specific language. Not only you can find out the vocabulary list but can also create your Deck of words on the platform. Due to this option available many of the users have already uploaded their vocabulary list on the platform. There are many users who have already uploaded the vocabulary list that they have received from Duolingo.

Duolingo Japanese Vocabulary List for Free in 2024

With their help, you can get your vocabulary list of Japanese and other languages like French, German, Spanish, etc. To do so the first thing you will need to get is your memerise scraper. It is a great feature that will help you to download the list of vocabulary that you want. Now as you want do you lingo Japanese vocabulary list or do you need to search for doing good Japanese list and then copy the link to it? Once you get the link, you will then need to paste it on the scrapper.

You will finally get the words which are used in the course. Now when you get the words you can copy them in Google Docs. Once you copy the words you will see the data is in an unorganised manner. In short, your next step becomes to organise the data properly.

2. Organizing data

Words and meanings you get on Google Docs are in an unorganised manner and now is the time to organise them properly. To do it you will need to copy them into the Google Sheets. Thus follow the give it steps so that you get all the words and the meanings in an organised manner-

  • Copy all of the words and the meaning of the words and then download the file in plain text (.txt) format. To save the file, select the file option and download all of the content.
  • Now, open a new blank document and select the file option. You must select the import option and select the file that you downloaded as a plain file.
  • Once done, under the import area, you will see options such as replace spreadsheets.
  • Don’t forget to maintain the separated type the same as the data’s default import. When you do this, you will see Japanese terms together with their meanings in the comparable column. 
  • Try using a separate column to make things more organised. Select the column and then click the data option at the top of the sheet to do so. 
  • After that, you’ll see a split text-to-column option; simply press on it. 
  • You will be given a separate tab in which you must again choose how you want the text separated. 
  • To change the words, click on it and select the custom option. When you select the separate option, you will have to add a double space in it. Now, click the enter button to see the definitions of the words in separate columns. 
  • There may be two or more columns between the meaning and the words. You will need to delete them to get the data in a more organised manner.

3. Using Anki

The last step is to use Anki to get the vocabulary list with the help of the Anki platform. On this platform, you can either upload the vocabulary list or use the already uploaded vocabulary words. If you want to get the Duolingo Japanese deck then you must have Anki web website or Anki deck repositories. Here you will have to upload the words you have downloaded from the Memrise app. To get it you will be to follow the steps given below-

  • The first step is to download the list of words you have created.
  • Then you will need to choose the comma-separated file to add up the Deck easily.
  • Once done, choose the .CSV file by clicking on the import file option.
  • When you click on the import option you will get various options that you have to choose from.
  • If You only need two-sided cards then you will have to select the basic type. Whereas if you want to switch any of the sides then you will have to select the targeted file.
Duolingo Japanese Vocabulary List for Free in 2024

An important point that you need to remember is that as this platform also gives the ability to add to the vocabulary list, you may get a Duolingo vocabulary list already available on the platform.

What are some of the Japanese vocabulary words available on Duolingo?

You should also know that there is another way of getting the words available on Duolingo by using this extension. Here, you can also download different words that are used in the course that will help you to learn the language more easily-

WordsMeanings of the Words
䛹うもthanks (colloquial shortening)
よろしくnice to meet you (short)
お早う Good morning (casual)
䛹う致しまし䛶you are welcome
今日䛿good day (daytime greeting)
䛹うぞHere you are.
お休み䛺さいgood night 
肉 meat; flesh


Japanese is one such language that is commonly taken on Duolingo. If you are also interested in learning the language, you will need to know a lot of words. Therefore, it is very important to know if there is a Duolingo Japanese vocabulary list or not. Although it does have a vocabulary list it is not now available on the Desktop version. If you want to get it you will need to use the Memrise app and get the Duolingo list which is already available on the platform.

After that, you will need to use the Memrise scrap feature to get the word lists downloaded. For it, you will need to copy the URL of the course available on Memrise. Once you get the words, you will have to organize the data properly. The last step is to use the Anki app to get the downloaded data in a flashcard manner.


Can you learn all of the Japanese on Duolingo?

When you are using Duolingo for learning Japanese you would want to know if you will get fluent in the language or not. According to various research, all the courses on this platform have a B2 level. However, according to the official statement of the platform, you will be getting a fluency level of 60%.

How many Japanese modules are there in Duolingo?

Every language on Duolingo has different modules which is usually dependent upon how much course is updated with time. Japanese is again a course that is taken up widely and there are a total of 125 units of it on the platform.

How many Japanese words are there in Duolingo?

Every language has a different number of words. If you have taken a Japanese course on Duolingo then you will get to see more than 5000 words in the course.Duolingo Japanese Vocabulary List for Free in 2024

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