Where to Get Help After a School Exclusion?

There are several reasons for getting school exclusion like wrong behaviour, social deprivation, breaking laws, etc. Obviously, you will not want school exclusion during your school time. If you do not know what is school exclusion, do not get worried. Here we will help you to know what is school exclusion and where you can get help after getting a school exclusion.

Quick Takeaways

  • Once your kid will get a school exclusion, it becomes the duty of the school to provide you with guidance on what to do next.
  • If it is a permanent school exclusion then the government will also be responsible for you to provide you with a full-time education alternative.

However, you must read till the end so that you do not miss any of the important facts regarding school exclusion. 

Where to Get Help After a School Exclusion?

What is school exclusion?

Exclusion from school refers to a condition in which you might be expelled either temporarily or permanently. The two sorts of exclusion are fixed or temporary exclusion and permanent exclusion Depending on the type of exclusion you are getting. When you are permanently excluded from a school, you may not be able to return there ever again or you may have to redo the entire academic year. In contrast, a temporary exclusion means that you won’t be able to go to school for some time. It may also affect you during college time and thus may want to drop out of it.

Where to get help after a school exclusion?

If you have been excluded from the school, the school will directly be in contact with you and your parents. They will inform you what should be the next step for you to take. The local government has a responsibility to offer appropriate full-time alternative schooling if the exclusion is more serious. This will most likely take place in a pupil referral unit (PRU) or another type of facility.

For the excluded student, the PRU serves as a temporary school where they can continue their education up until a new school is located. The PRU might be the long-term fix in more severe situations. Plans have been put in place by the government and local authorities to assist you in finding a new school. There are other more organizations and charities that can offer you sound counsel and support. Child law advice and childline are two such examples. As school exclusion may also have a bad effect on the college, you may also hate the college.

Where to Get Help After a School Exclusion?

Does a school exclusion go on your record?

Legally, your schools are required to keep track of your school exclusion. After you graduate from the school, they must keep this data for at least 5 years. As a result, your school dismissal will undoubtedly be noted in your academic records. Your personal information, grades, exclusions, and other information are all listed on your school records when you receive them. Therefore, it is crucial that you avoid being excluded from school.

Can a child with special needs be excluded from school?

Legally schools are allowed to exclude students who need special needs. However, most schools do not exclude their students just because they require special needs. They exclude them if they have broken some serious laws or if they are affecting the learning of other students. Thus we can say that whether the students will get excluded from the school or not will depend upon the school itself. 

What happens after school exclusion?

If you are excluded temporarily, you will have to make sure that you are not indulging in any public gatherings during your school hours for the first five days after being excluded (until necessary). After these 5 days, your school will help you to get the work so that you are not left behind by the other students. Your school must arrange it within 5 days.

Where to Get Help After a School Exclusion?

However, if you get the permanent exclusion, then you will have to look for a new school. If you are unable to find a new school for you, your current school will help you. In addition to it, as discussed earlier, you can take help from the pupil referral unit or other charities like childline and child law advice. 

Can you go back to school after being excluded?

As already discussed that there are two types of exclusion temporary and permanent. In temporary exclusion, you will be returning back to the same school after some time. However, during the permanent exclusion, you will not be allowed to go back to the same school.

Though even after getting permanent exclusion, you will still be there in the study. This means that you will have to find another school for yourself. However, if you are not able to get into another school, you may have to study PRU with other students.

How to find a school for yourself after being excluded?

‘There are generally two different ways by which you can find a school for yourself after being excluded-

1. Fair access protocol

It is the local agreement that includes putting the students who are not in the school to get into the school back as soon as possible. Even if the school does not have a seat, you will still get admission to it. This is one of the best ways of getting into the school if you are permanently excluded.

Where to Get Help After a School Exclusion?

2. Applying for the school itself

You can normally apply to schools of your choice. You must apply to various schools in order to get a spot for yourself easily. However, your application may get rejected if they do not have any spots left with them. In addition to it, your application may also be rejected if you have been excluded twice in two years after the original exclusion. It may also not accept your application if you are having challenging behaviour.


School exclusion is the time when you are not allowed to attend school either for a particular period of time or on a permanent basis. When you get the school exclusion, you must be in contact with the school or go for a pupil referral unit. You can also get help from various organizations and charities like childline to get help from them. If you get a permanent exclusion, you may find the school for you either by applying for your own or through fair access protocol.

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