How to Create a Revision Timetable That Works?

There is a lot of stress, especially during your exam time. From studying to revising for your exams, you need to perform a lot of activities. Revisions help you to remember concepts during your exam time. Therefore you must have a good revision timetable for yourself to revise the full syllabus before your final exams. We will help you to learn various ways which will help you to create an effective revision timetable.

Quick Takeaways

  • Start with estimating how much time is left for your exams.
  • You must prioritize the tough subjects as it will help you to revise them first and you will have more time to revise them.
  • Be flexible with the slots in the revision timetable.
  • Do not forget to add breaks in between the timetable.
  • You must make a revised timetable based on the time which is comfortable for you to study.

However, you must read till the end so that you do not miss any of the crucial facts regarding making a revision timetable.

11 ways for making a revision timetable

There are different revision techniques and one of them is by creating a perfect revision timetable. Following are the reasons why you should make a revision plan-

1. Estimate how much time is left with

When you are making a timetable, start by estimating how much time is left with you. This is important because when you are making your timetable, you must know how much time is left with you. Knowing how much time is left for your exams will help you to know what exactly you need to keep for revising in starting and at the end. 

2. Prioritizing the tough subjects

Give priority to the tough subjects. If you have subjects that are not very clear to you, keep them in starting. Give more time to them for revisions. Don’t waste giving up more time on the subjects which you are sure about. If you are giving a half hour to the revision of the easy subjects, try giving 45-60 minutes to the tougher ones. 

3. Create a timetable for each day

Making time table does not mean creating it one day. It means you must create a timetable for each day till your exam day. Revising on daily basis helps you to remember the concepts more easily. Don’t waste even a single day revising the subjects. 

4. Keep proper breaks

When you study for long hours you will get bored and lose interest. Thus it is important to keep breaks in between your study time. Try to keep a 5-minute break after every hour of study. You must not overload yourself with your revision work. Having breaks in between your revision time will help you to get refreshed before studying.

5. Keep the revision time for the first exam in last

Start with revising the subjects whose exams are last. This means that you must keep the revision part of the first subject for a week before the exam. It is important because if you start revising it from starting and do not keep revision timing before the exam, you may forget some of the concepts. It will help you to get good grades in the exams. However, if you were unable to get the right grades, you can ask them to change the grades even after the semester.

6. Keep flexibility

Sometimes you may feel that you do not need to study that particular subject. Therefore try to keep two subjects in one slot, so that you can choose between them. Always make a revision plan for only a week.

7. Colour code different sections

Every timetable has its sections. You must colour-code them. When you cover different colours for different things that you will be doing it will help you to know which activity you will need to perform during the specific time. This will help you t know how many tasks you will be doing in a day by just looking at it.

8. Consider which time is best for your revision

Every student has their own comfortable time for studying. You may be a night person who loves to study at night or maybe a morning person who loves to study early morning. Try to figure out the time that suits you and make your study revision timetable according to it.

9. Keep a part for practice

No revision is completed without giving practice to the previous exams. Keep some part of your revision timetable for practising previous exams. Try to solve at least 2 years’ previous exams. Practising these exams will help you to understand what type of exam pattern can you expect in your exam. It will also help you to know what type of questions can be asked in your exam.

10. Consider subjects that need to be focused

It is wise to prepare more carefully for exams that account for a major portion of your final grade as different exam papers will carry different weights in terms of marks. Give them more time to revise. Ask your classmates or teachers if your notes are missing.

11. Be realistic

Make a revising strategy that will work for you. It can be simple to lose heart if your goal is overly ambitious and is not achieved. According to studies, attainable goals help encourage people more. Consider what you can maintain and plan for relaxation periods. Doing something completely unrelated will keep you from getting burned out.

Why is a revision timetable important?

To make the most of your time and make sure you schedule time for relaxing, it is a good idea to make a revision timetable. You can cover all the material you need in time for the exam with the help of a well-planned revision schedule. Additionally, it will enable you to divide the subjects into more accessible portions. Furthermore, it will help you put the task at hand into focus.


Revisions are a crucial part of your exam time. It helps you remember the topics that you have already studied. Thus it is important to have a good revision timetable before your exam. There are a lot of things that you must consider when you are creating the timetable. Give more time to the subjects that are tough for you. In addition to it, this article includes several other ways by which you can create the timetable.

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