How Does ProctorU Prevent Cheating & How Can You Cheat?

As for reducing cheating in the examination, the institution has to take the necessary steps. There are many such software like Blackboards, Canvas, etc that can help to prevent online cheating. ProctorU is one of the software that is used to detect cheating. Here we will help you to know how does ProctorU prevent cheating.

Quick Takeaways

  • The ProctorU works by monitoring the student and recording the video and the audio of the student for maintaining the exam environment. 
  • Thus when you are taking the exams on any online platform it will help you to proctor the platform.
  • If the student is found doing any suspicious activities will be detected as cheating and the student will be out of the online exam and have to explain the activity to the instructor. 

However, you must read till the end so that you can get a clear idea about how proctorU prevents cheating.

How does ProctorU prevent cheating?

How Does ProctorU Prevent Cheating & How Can You Cheat?

It is used to prevent cheating by monitoring the student’s activities during the exam on their laptop or computer. Following are the ways by which ProctorU prevents cheating-

  • The ProctorU works by monitoring the student and recording the video and the audio of the student to maintain the exam environment. There are several other platforms that work in the same manner like examity.
  • Before starting the exam the student has to complete face authentication so that during the exam the place where the student makes someone else sit, will be detected easily.
  • If the student is found doing any suspicious activities will be detected as cheating and the student will be out of the online exam and have to explain the activity to the instructor.
  • Also, the ProctorU will make sure to scan the room in which the student is giving the exam so that the student is not able to take anything by which the student can cheat during the exam.
  • The ProctorU can detect the eye and facial movement of the student during the exam and if the student does continuous movement looking away from the laptop screen will be detected as cheating. Therefore whether you are using google meet or Zoom, it will detect your hand or face movement.

What are the things ProctorU can see? 

How Does ProctorU Prevent Cheating & How Can You Cheat?
  • Student’s screen:

When the student is using ProctorU while giving the exam it can see on the screen the student, what activities are performed by the student while giving the exam can see. ProctorU can record all your activities while giving the exam and also take screenshots.

  • The keyboard:

The ProctorU uses a monitor with a webcam that can see the keyboard of the student while giving the exam to see how the student is typing the answer. Before the start of the exam, the ProctorU is made to scan all the hardware devices connected to the student’s laptop or computer while giving the exam such as a mouse, keyboard, etc.

  • Scan the location:

Yes, the ProctorU can scan the location of the student during the exam. due to the presence of a globe icon,  which helps the software so that the student’s geo-location data can be scanned.

How Does ProctorU Prevent Cheating & How Can You Cheat?
  • Detect your phone:

Before starting the exam the ProctorU scans the whole room to see if there is any other gadget or thing available in the room that the student can use for cheating purposes. If the instructor finds the phone near the table or in the room, it will be detected as cheating.

What does the ProctorU record during the exam?

When you are using ProctorU with the LMS platforms like WileyPLUS or Moodle, it will help to prevent cheating in the exams. The following are the things that ProctorU records during the exam:

  • The ProctorU enables the institution to record the voice of the student during the online exam
  • It also records the recording from the student’s microphone.
  • The software can scan the location of giving the exam and record it as a video.
  • It is also able to record the location of the mouse through a webcam.
  • It is also able to have the student’s IP address.
  • It is able to take a video of the student with the help of a computer or laptop webcam.
  • It enables recording the student’s movements such as any head, eye, and mouth movements.
  • It records the screen of the student’s laptop and if any website is opened by the student, what is not allowed to open will be detected as cheating.
  • It is able to see the entire screen during the test session if the student is complete.
  • It is able to see all the running applications on the laptop.


ProctorU can prevent cheating during online examinations. If a student Is caught cheating during the exam the ProctorU has the recorded video and audio of the student which the student can’t deny if there is any activity that is showing that the student is cheating. as the ProctorU can track our activities during the exam only but there are some cons that claim it does have access after the exam.

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